The John Marshall Law School

The John Marshall Law School ( JMLS ) is a private nonprofit higher education institution in the United States. JMLS began its academic activities in 1899. The John Marshall Law School has an urban campus in Chicago.

Admission and tuition fees. To be admitted to the university, an applicant must provide information about previous academic performance and passed exams. After providing all the documents required by the university, more than half (60 percent) of applicants successfully enter the university. But it should be borne in mind that when entering JMLS, the percentage of applicants can vary significantly depending on the popularity of the course chosen for study. The academic year in an educational institution traditionally consists of two semesters. Although the university is a private institution, students are eligible to apply for financial aid.

The composition of the university. The John Marshall Law School is a small university, and the number of attending classes at the same time is 3,000 people. Together with local applicants, foreign citizens can also apply for admission to the university. The university is represented in various social. networks: Flickr , Twitter , Facebook , Linkedin , from which you can learn more about teaching and student life at the university.

University infrastructure. The infrastructure of the educational institution includes its own library. An important advantage when choosing this university may be that The John Marshall Law School has a good sports infrastructure.