Argosy University

Argosy University ( AU ) – private profit higher education institution in USA. AU was founded in 2001.

Admission and tuition fees. For admission to a university, an applicant must provide documents on passed exams and previous academic performance. The majority of applicants to AU successfully enter this university, the average competition is approximately 90 accepted per 100 applicants. The academic year at an educational institution is divided into trimesters. The cost of studying at the university is quite high and amounts to 20,000 USD per year. Education in master’s programs at this university can hardly be called cheap, the cost is 20,000 USD per year of study. Given the high cost of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. You can get knowledge in this university not only in person, but also in a remote format. .

The composition of the university. Argosy University is an average university in terms of the number of students, where no more than 8 thousand students receive education. The admission committee of the educational institution considers applications from both local and foreign applicants. The teaching staff of AU includes approximately 99 academic. specialists The University actively participates in international programs for the exchange of students and teachers with other educational institutions. The university is represented in various social. networks: Twitter , Youtube , Facebook , Linkedin , from which you can learn more about teaching and student life at the university.

University infrastructure. The educational institution has its own library. An additional advantage is that the educational institution has sports facilities at its disposal.