Williams Baptist College

Williams Baptist College ( WBC ) is a private nonprofit higher education institution in the United States. The history of the WBC dates back to 1941. occupies an important place in the education system of the country. Teaching in it is conducted at the highest level, and the educational process meets international standards.

Admission and tuition fees. For admission to a university, an applicant must provide documents on passed exams and previous academic performance. Over half (60%) of applicants successfully enter an educational institution, but it should be borne in mind that the percentage of successfully accepted students may vary from faculty to faculty, depending on the popularity of a particular direction. The academic year is divided into semesters in the same way as in many other educational institutions in the United States. The cost of studying at the university is about 12,500 USD per year. Studying for a master’s program can also be considered quite expensive, the cost is 12,500 USD per year. Additionally, tuition costs can be partly covered by financial assistance from the university.http://www.wbcoll.edu .

The composition of the university. Williams Baptist College is a small university in terms of the number of students, in which approximately 1,000 students study in total. The admission committee of the university accepts applications from both local and foreign citizens. The university cooperates with other international universities on student exchange issues. The University is represented in the following social networks Twitter , Facebook .

University infrastructure. The library of the educational institution is at the disposal of students. Students of an educational institution have the opportunity to live in a hostel on campus.