William Penn University

William Penn University – private nonprofit higher education institution in USA. William Penn University began its academic activities in 1873. The university campus is located apart, outside the city of Oskaloosa.

Admission and tuition fees. In addition to the results of the exams passed, for admission to the university, you must provide documents on previous academic performance. When applying, 60 percent (more than half) of applicants successfully enter the university. However, at William Penn University, the percentage of applicants can vary significantly depending on the chosen direction of the program of study. The academic year is traditionally divided into two semesters. The cost of studying at the university is quite high and amounts to 20,000 USD per year. In addition, studying for a master’s degree at William Penn University will also be quite difficult to save money, since the cost of education is 20,000 USD per year. Given the high cost of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. The educational institution belongs to the list of universities, where it is possible to receive education remotely. University official website (http://www.wmpenn.edu ) contains more detailed information about the cost of education, taking into account the chosen program.

The composition of the university. William Penn University is a relatively small university with a total of 3,000 students. Both local citizens and foreigners can apply for admission to an educational institution. The university actively participates in international exchange programs for students and academic staff of the university. The university has pages on Twitter , Facebook , Linkedin , where you can learn more about the life of the university.

University infrastructure. The library of the educational institution is at the disposal of students. University students can apply for a place in a student hostel.