Southern College of Optometry

Southern College of Optometry ( SCO ) is a private nonprofit higher education institution in the United States. The history of SCO dates back to 1932. has an urban campus in Memphis.

Admission and tuition fees. can be considered one of the most strict universities on the planet, which accepts only 1 student out of 5 applicants. As in many US universities, the academic year consists of two semesters. After a rather complicated admission process, students can qualify for financial assistance from the university.

The composition of the university. Southern College of Optometry is a small university, and the number of simultaneously attending classes is 500 people. You can learn more about education and university life on the social pages of the university: Flickr , Facebook , Linkedin .

University infrastructure. The infrastructure of the educational institution includes its own library. On campus, the university additionally has its own sports facilities.