Piedmont International University

Piedmont International University ( PIU ) – private nonprofit higher education institution in the United States. The history of PIU dates back to 1945.

Admission and tuition fees. For admission to the university, along with the results of the exams, the student must provide information about previous academic performance. The majority of applicants at PIU are successfully admitted to the university, and the overall competition is approximately 90 places per 100 applicants. The academic year is divided into semesters in the same way as in many other educational institutions in the United States. Tuition per year at this university will cost around 12,500 USD. In addition, studying for a master’s degree at PIU will also be quite difficult to save money, since the cost of studying is 12,500 USD per year. In addition, students can cover part of the costs if they receive financial support from the educational institution. Students of this educational institution can also study at the selected university remotely.http://www.piedmontu.edu .

The composition of the university. At Piedmont International University, studies can be attributed to small universities, where about 1000 students study at the same time. The admission committee of the university accepts applications from both local and foreign citizens. The teaching staff of PIU includes approximately 99 academics. specialists Students of the university can participate in student exchange programs. The educational institution is represented in the social. networks iTunes , Twitter , Youtube , Facebook , where you can learn more about the university.

University infrastructure. The library of the educational institution is at the disposal of students. Students of an educational institution have the opportunity to live in a hostel on campus.