Notre Dame de Namur University

Notre Dame de Namur University ( NDNU ) – private nonprofit higher education institution in the United States. NDNU started its activity in 1851. The main campus of the university is located within the small town of Belmont.

Admission and tuition fees. The Admissions Committee makes a decision on enrollment based on previous academic performance and exam results. After providing all the documents required by the university, more than half (80 percent) of applicants successfully enter the university. But it should be borne in mind that when entering NDNU, the percentage of applicants can vary significantly depending on the popularity of the course chosen for study. The academic year at the university classically consists of two semesters. Studying undergraduate programs at NDNU cannot be called a cheap pleasure, as the cost is 20,000 USD per year. Education in master’s programs at this university can hardly be called cheap, the cost is 20,000 USD per year of study. Given the high cost of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. ) contains more detailed information about the cost of education, taking into account the chosen program.

The composition of the university. Notre Dame de Namur University is a small educational institution with about 2,000 students studying at the same time. The educational institution accepts both local and foreign citizens. The academic staff of this university is 299 teachers. The university actively participates in international exchange programs for students and academic staff of the university. The university has pages on Twitter , Youtube , Facebook , Linkedin , where you can learn more about the life of the university.

University infrastructure. The library of the educational institution is at the disposal of students. Students of an educational institution have the opportunity to live in a hostel on campus.