Mount Marty College

Mount Marty College ( MMC ) is a private non-profit higher education institution in the United States. The history of MMC dates back to 1936. The building of the educational institution is located on the campus, remote from Yankton.

Admission and tuition fees. The Admissions Committee makes a decision on enrollment based on previous academic performance and exam results. At the stage of admission, more than half (80%) of applicants receive a positive decision on enrollment. The academic year in an educational institution traditionally consists of two semesters. The cost of studying at the university is about 17,500 USD per year. Studying for master’s programs can also be considered quite expensive, the cost is 17,500 USD per year. Given the high cost of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. The educational institution is one of the universities where distance education is possible. On the official website of the university ( you can find more detailed information about the cost of programs depending on the faculty.

The composition of the university. Mount Marty College is a small university with approximately 2,000 students. In addition to local citizens, foreign citizens can also enter the university. The University is represented in the following social networks Flickr , Twitter , Youtube , Facebook .

University infrastructure. The educational institution has its own library. The university provides its students with accommodation on the territory of the student hostel.