Reinhardt University

Reinhardt University – private nonprofit higher education institution in USA. The beginning of the academic activity of Reinhardt University was laid in 1883.

Admission and tuition fees. To be admitted to the university, an applicant must provide information about previous academic performance and passed exams. It can be considered that Reinhardt University is one of the most selective universities, which approves only 1 applicant out of 10 candidates. The academic year at Reinhardt University is divided into two academic years. semester. Education per year at this university will cost around 17,500 USD. Education in master’s programs at this university can hardly be called cheap, the cost is 17,500 USD per year of study. Given the high price of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. The educational institution belongs to the list of universities where it is possible to receive education remotely. On the official website ( University you can get more accurate information about the cost of education depending on the faculty.

The composition of the university. Reinhardt University is a small university, and the number of simultaneously attending classes is 2000 people. The educational institution accepts both local and foreign citizens. Approximately 299 teachers teach at the university. During their studies, university students have the opportunity to participate in student exchange programs. You can get acquainted with the students of the educational institution on the social. university pages: Linkedin .

University infrastructure. The university has its own library. The educational institution allows students to live on campus.