California State University-Bakersfield

California State University-Bakersfield ( CSUB ) – public higher education institution in the United States. Teaching at California State University-Bakersfield began in 1965. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Bakersfield.

University ranking. California State University-Bakersfield is one of the most famous and prestigious universities on the planet, in the top 5% in the world.

Admission and tuition fees. It should be borne in mind that the main factor in the recruitment of students is the academic performance of the applicant. At the stage of admission, more than half (60%) of applicants receive a positive decision on enrollment. The academic year is divided into academic quarters. The cost of studying at the university is about 17,500 USD per year. Education in master’s programs at this university can hardly be called cheap, the cost is 17,500 USD per year of study. Given the high cost of tuition, students can participate in scholarship programs. The educational institution is included in the list of universities operating in the system of distance education. For detailed information about the cost of studying at CSUB, you must visit the website of the educational institution –

The composition of the university. California State University-Bakersfield is an average university in terms of the number of students, where no more than 10 thousand students receive education. Together with local applicants, foreign citizens can also enter the university. University students can participate in student exchange programs. The educational institution is represented in the social. networks Twitter , Youtube , Facebook , Linkedin , where you can learn more about the university.

University infrastructure. The educational institution has its own library. The university provides its students with accommodation on the territory of the student hostel.